Immobilienökonom Tobias Just über vorsichtige Wohnungspolitik, was Mietern und Eigentümern 2025 droht und warum es mit sinkenden Zinsen schnell vorbei sein könnte.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the cautiousness surrounding waiting for dropping interest rates in the real estate market. The real estate economist, Tobias Just, advises against delaying purchasing decisions based on the expectation of falling interest rates.
He suggests that these declining rates might not last long and that it's prudent to act sooner rather than later.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the cautiousness surrounding waiting for dropping interest rates in the real estate market. The real estate economist, Tobias Just, advises against delaying purchasing decisions based on the expectation of falling interest rates. He suggests that these declining rates might not last long and that it's prudent to act sooner rather than later.